Road space

August 2021 New revenue sources report

This report considers options for road user charging policies as well as other options for raising revenue. It was prepared and submitted to the Department for Transport in August 2021.

The report was created to meet one of the conditions of TfL's June 2021 funding agreement, that 'The Mayor and TfL will undertake a joint options review and feasibility study of mechanisms within existing powers to generate between £500m and £1bn of additional net revenue per annum from April 2023'.

The estimates and discussion within the report were based on the latest available information in August 2021.

Options for achieving sustainable road use in London

In December 2020 the Mayor asked TfL to carry out a feasibility study into the potential for a Greater London Boundary Charge (GLBC) for non-London residents. Following this, he asked us to investigate a range of further options which could quickly reduce emissions in London.

These two studies assessed the potential of:

  • Introducing a Greater London Boundary Charge for vehicles driving into London
  • Implementing a low-level daily Clean Air Charge for all but the cleanest vehicles
  • Extending the Ultra Low Emission Zone to cover the whole of Greater London
  • Extending the Ultra Low Emission Zone, along with a low-level daily Clean Air Charge

Note that traffic volumes in these reports are based on pre-pandemic traffic levels and that there is significant uncertainty around future traffic flows - these volumes should be treated as indicative.

Emissions forecasts and compliance rates are also based on the best information available at the time of writing (January 2022). The London Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (LAEI) was being updated.

Understanding and managing road congestion

Increased road congestion contributes to worsening air pollution, delays vital bus services and freight and makes many streets unpleasant places for people to walk and cycle. This independent study was prepared for us by Integrated Transport Planning (ITP) between June and November 2017.

The study:

  • Reviews recent trends in traffic and congestion in London
  • Identifies the likely reasons for these patterns
  • Makes recommendations to us, the London boroughs and to central Government and other stakeholders

Safety and roads policing enforcement

Documents on safety and roads policing enforcement can be found in our Safety & security section

Office freight

To build a better picture of delivery and servicing activity in London's offices.

Perception of Private Hire Vehicles (PHVs)

To gauge Londoners' support for proposals for Private Hire Vehicles (PHVs), specifically, regulations for PHV operators, drivers and technical changes to regulations (17 proposals in total). 

HGV training

To evaluate whether the current suite of FORS training meets the needs of fleet operators, managers and drivers to bring about effective behaviour change and contribute to TfL's surface outcomes of safe and efficient deliveries in London. 

Delivery management and truck holding areas

 To evaluate current usage of delivery management systems, truck holding areas and construction logistics plans to inform recommendations for the construction logistics sector and local authorities regarding best practice across London.

Tackling London's road congestion

This plan outlines measures aimed at directly tackling growing congestion on London's roads and improving reliability for all road users.

Awareness of the ORN and PRN

To understand the awareness, understanding and attitudes to the introduction of the Olympic Route Network (ORN) and Paralympic Route Network (PRN) - whether Londoners understand the implications to the enforcement to take place and what key messages need to be communicated (July 2012)

Summary (PDF 0.08MB)
Full Report (PDF 0.57MB)

Driver tool communications research

To evaluate a number of creative adverts to decide on the best route forward (September 2011)

Summary (PDF 0.02MB)
Full Report (PDF 0.27MB)

Highway assets - footways

Survey of customer views to establish priorities for improvements to pavements (April 2011)

Summary (PDF 0.02MB)
Full Report (PDF 3.65MB)

Congestion charging communications

Assist in the selection and development of a unified creative approach for Congestion Charging advertising (November 2010)

Summary (PDF 0.03MB)
Full Report (PDF 1.47MB)

Highway assets - carriageways

Survey of customer minimum and preferred levels of service with respect to specific carriageway condition defects. This allows TfL's Highways Asset Investment team to investigate minimum and preferred funding requirements and to set maintenance targets (September 2010)

Summary (PDF 0.02MB)
Full Report (PDF 3.24MB)

Attitudes to FORS

Identify current perceptions and awareness of TfL's Freight Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) among members and non-members and to benchmark FORS against similar schemes and establish willingness to pay for existing and potential elements of this (August 2010)

Summary (PDF 0.02MB)
Full Report (PDF 0.54MB)

Car park usage

Understand the customer and usage profiles at Underground station car parks (April 2010)

Summary (PDF 0.02MB)
Full Report (PDF 0.33MB)

Smoothing the traffic flow

Perceived importance and effectiveness of proposed interventions to smooth the traffic flow in London (August 2009)

Summary (PDF 0.02MB)
Full Report (PDF 0.51MB)

How road users perceive the network and what their needs are in terms of operational factors and information. Testing response to some potential interventions (April 2009)

Summary (PDF 0.02MB)
Full Report (PDF 0.31MB)

Freight public perceptions

Awareness of issues related to the London Freight Plan and support for actions addressing these (April 2009)

Summary (PDF 0.02MB)
Full Report (PDF 0.36MB)

Red Route awareness

Awareness of the concept of Red Routes among Londoners and when and where exemptions apply (October 2008)

Summary (PDF 0.02MB)
Full Report (PDF 0.30MB)

Research into what our customers think and how they behave helps us identify their key issues, areas for improvement and allows us to seek their views on new initiatives to inform our decision making.

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The copyright of all reports in this library is owned by TfL and the provision of information under the Freedom of Information Act does not give the recipient a right to re-use the information in a way that would infringe copyright (for example, by publishing and issuing copies to the public).

Brief extracts of the material may be reproduced under the fair dealing provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 for the purposes of research for non-commercial purposes, private study, criticism, review and news reporting.

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