Fares from 2 March 2025

Frozen bus and tram fares

  • The adult pay as you go fare is frozen at £1.75
  • With our Hopper fare, you can still make unlimited bus and tram journeys within one hour of first touching in for £1.75
  • The daily cap is frozen at £5.25
  • Longer period caps and Bus & Tram Pass season ticket prices are also frozen:
Bus and tram 7 Day and Weekly Cap Monthly Annual
Adult £24.70 £94.90 £988

Which fares changed?

  • Daily and weekly caps
  • Daily, weekly and longer period Travelcards
  • Cash fares where National Rail fares apply
  • Fares on River Bus services
  • IFS Cloud Cable Car prices

The detailed changes below refer to adult fares. Child fares are generally set at half the adult fares.

Tube, DLR, London Overground and Elizabeth line fares

  • The adult peak pay as you go fare for a journey in Zone 1 increased from £2.80 to £2.90
  • The adult off-peak pay as you go fare for a journey in Zone 1 increased from £2.70 to £2.80
  • The adult off-peak pay as you go fare in a single zone (not Zone 1) increased from £1.80 to £2.00
  • Cash fares, also known as paper single tickets, for Zones 1-6 increased from £6.70 to £7.00 where TfL fares apply. Where National Rail fares apply, they increased overall by 4.6%

Pay as you go caps

For Tube, DLR, London Overground, Elizabeth line and National Rail services

Adult rate daily and weekly caps increased by an average of 4.6%.

Zone(s) One Day Anytime One Day Off-peak Monday to Sunday
Zone 1 only £8.90 £8.90 £44.70
Zone 1 and 2 £8.90 £8.90 £44.70
Zone 1, 2 and 3 £10.50 £10.50 £52.50
Zone 1, 2, 3 and 4 £12.80 £12.80 £64.20
Zone 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 £15.30 £15.30 £76.40
Zone 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 £16.30 £16.30 £81.60


Adult Travelcard prices increased by an average of 4.6%.

Zone(s) One Day Anytime One Day Off-peak 7 Day Monthly Annual
Zone 1 only £16.60 £16.60 £44.70 £171.70 £1,788
Zone 1 and 2 £16.60 £16.60 £44.70 £171.70 £1,788
Zone 1, 2 and 3 £16.60 £16.60 £52.50 £201.60 £2,100
Zone 1, 2, 3 and 4 £16.60 £16.60 £64.20 £246.60 £2,568
Zone 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 £23.60 £16.60 £76.40 £293.40 £3,056
Zone 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 £23.60 £16.60 £81.60 £313.40 £3,264

River Bus services

Pay as you go fares increased on all Uber boats by Thames Clippers.

River Zones Adult Adult with Travelcard Child Child with Travelcard Freedom Pass
Central £9.50 £8.75 £4.75 £4.40 £4.75
East £5.90 £4.75 £2.95 £2.40 £2.95
West £5.90 £4.75 £2.95 £2.40 £2.95
Central and East £10.80 £10.30 £5.40 £5.15 £5.40
Central and West £10.80 £10.30 £5.40 £5.15 £5.40
West to East £18.25 £14.30 £9.10 £7.15 £9.10

IFS Cloud Cable Car prices

The one-way adult fare on the cable car increased from £6.00 to £7.00. The child fare remains at half the adult fare, as does the Freedom Pass fare.

Ticket type Adult Child Freedom Pass
One way - pay as you go £7.00 - -
One way - ticket office £7.00 £3.50 £3.50
One way - online £7.00 - -
Round trip - ticket office £13.00 £6.50 £6.50
Round trip - online £13.00 £6.50  

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