Bus timetable
Off-peak journey times in minutes
0 mins
Service arrives at
Belmont Station
1 mins
Service arrives at
Royal Marsden Hospital / Downs Road
2 mins
Service arrives at
Royal Marsden Hospital
3 mins
Service arrives at
Downs Road / Banstead Road South
3 mins
Service arrives at
Pine Walk
5 mins
Service arrives at
West Way
11 mins
Service arrives at
Stanley Park Road
13 mins
Service arrives at
Stanley Road / North Avenue
14 mins
Service arrives at
Stanley Road / Stanley Park Road
15 mins
Service arrives at
Boundary Road
18 mins
Service arrives at
Grosvenor Road / Wallington
19 mins
Service arrives at
Wallington Station
20 mins
Service arrives at
Wallington Town Centre
Connects to National Rail Connects to National Rail
21 mins
Service arrives at
Woodcote Road / Stafford Road
22 mins
Service arrives at
Blenheim Gardens
23 mins
Service arrives at
Hall Road
24 mins
Service arrives at
Woodcote Green
29 mins
Service arrives at
Foresters Drive / The Newlands
30 mins
Service arrives at
Roundshaw / Phoenix Centre
31 mins
Service arrives at
Spitfire Road
31 mins
Service arrives at
St Elphege's School
33 mins
Service arrives at
Wilson's School
34 mins
Service arrives at
Garden Close
39 mins
Service arrives at
Bandon Hill Cemetery
40 mins
Service arrives at
Hilliers Lane
41 mins
Service arrives at
Beddington Village
43 mins
Service arrives at
Beddington / Asda
46 mins
Service arrives at
Beddington Lane / Sewage Treatment Works
47 mins
Service arrives at
Beddington Cross
48 mins
Service arrives at
Therapia Lane
48 mins
Service arrives at
Coomber Way / Beddington Lane
49 mins
Service arrives at
Therapia Lane Tram Depot
50 mins
Service arrives at
Therapia Lane Tram Stop
51 mins
Service arrives at
Beddington Farm Road
Connects to Tram Connects to Tram
52 mins
Service arrives at
Ampere Way Tram Stop / Valley Park
Connects to Tram Connects to Tram
55 mins
Service arrives at
Purley Way / Beddington Farm Road
55 mins
Service arrives at
Waddon Marsh
57 mins
Service arrives at
Waddon Marsh Sainsbury's