Bus timetable
Off-peak journey times in minutes
0 mins
Service arrives at
Pinner Library
Connects to Metropolitan Connects to Metropolitan
0 mins
Service arrives at
Holwell Place
1 mins
Service arrives at
Eastcote Road
1 mins
Service arrives at
Whittington Way
3 mins
Service arrives at
St Michael's Crescent
3 mins
Service arrives at
Cannonbury Avenue
5 mins
Service arrives at
Southbourne Close
5 mins
Service arrives at
The Glen
7 mins
Service arrives at
Village Way East
Connects to Metropolitan and Piccadilly Connects to Metropolitan and Piccadilly
8 mins
Service arrives at
Rayners Lane
9 mins
Service arrives at
Rayners Lane Station
10 mins
Service arrives at
Alexandra Avenue
11 mins
Service arrives at
Clitheroe Avenue
13 mins
Service arrives at
Coles Crescent
14 mins
Service arrives at
Corbins Lane
16 mins
Service arrives at
South Harrow Station
17 mins
Service arrives at
South Harrow Bus Station
Connects to Piccadilly Connects to Piccadilly