Bus timetable
Please select a time period to view off-peak journey times in minutes.
- First Bus - 05:56
Between the period of 06:00 to 07:00 Services will depart at
- 06:12
- 06:28
- 06:44
Between the period of 07:00 to 08:00 Services will depart at
- 07:00
- 07:16
- 07:29
- 07:43
- 07:56
Between the period of 08:00 to 21:00 Services will depart everyEvery 11-14 minutes
Between the period of 21:00 to 22:00 Services will depart at
- 21:05
- 21:26
- 21:47
Between the period of 22:00 to 23:00 Services will depart at
- 22:08
- 22:27
- 22:47
Between the period of 23:00 to 00:00 Services will depart at
- 23:07
- 23:27
- 23:47
Between the period of 00:00 to 01:00 Services will depart at
- 00:07
- 00:27
- 00:47
- Last Bus - 01:07