Bus timetable
Please select a stop to view timetable.
Liverpool Street Station
St Botolph Street Connects to Circle and Metropolitan Connects to Circle and Metropolitan
Aldgate Station
Tower Hill / Tower Gateway Station
Tower Bridge
Druid Street
Abbey Street
Grange Road / Caledonian Market
Bricklayer's Arms / Tower Bridge Road
Bricklayer's Arms
Congreve Street
East Street / Thurlow Street
Alsace Road
Albany Road / Wells Way
Portland Street
Albany Road / Camberwell Road
Camberwell Road / Albany Road
Bowyer Place
Medlar Street
Denmark Hill / Camberwell Green
Coldharbour Lane
King's College Hospital
Champion Hill
Deepdene Road
Casino Avenue
Sunray Avenue
Elmwood Road / the Charter School
North Dulwich Station
Townley Road
Tessa Jowell Health Centre
Derwent Grove
Goose Green
Elsie Road
East Dulwich Station