Bus timetable
Please select a stop to view timetable.
Whittington Hospital
Magdala Avenue / Dartmouth Park Hill
Chester Road
Dartmouth Park Road Connects to Northern Connects to NorthernAdd stop to favourites
Junction Road Connects to Northern Connects to NorthernAdd stop to favourites
Tufnell Park Station
Campdale Road
Dalmeny Road
Carleton Road
Holloway Road
Seven Sisters Road / Parkhurst Road
Seven Sisters Road / Nags Head
Hornsey Road
Durham Road
Fonthill Road
Finsbury Park Station
Finsbury Park Interchange Connects to Piccadilly and Victoria Connects to Piccadilly and VictoriaAdd stop to favourites
City & Islington College
Gillespie Road Connects to Piccadilly Connects to PiccadillyAdd stop to favourites
Riversdale Road
Highbury Grange
Highbury Barn
Highbury Grove School / Aberdeen Park
St Paul's Road / Highbury Grove
Highbury Corner Connects to Victoria Connects to VictoriaAdd stop to favourites
Upper Street / Laycock Street Connects to Victoria Connects to VictoriaAdd stop to favourites
Islington Town Hall
St Mary's Church
Islington Green
Angel Station
Angel Islington / City Road
Hall Street
City University
Percival Street
Pear Tree Street
Clerkenwell Road
Baltic Street West
Barbican Station
London Wall
St Paul's Station
New Change / Cannon Street Connects to Central Connects to CentralAdd stop to favourites
Millennium Bridge