Bus timetable
Off-peak journey times in minutes
0 mins
Service arrives at
Botwell Common
0 mins
Service arrives at
Orwell Close
1 mins
Service arrives at
Barra Hall Road
2 mins
Service arrives at
Beechwood Avenue
5 mins
Service arrives at
The Square
5 mins
Service arrives at
Furzeground Way
7 mins
Service arrives at
Longwalk Road
8 mins
Service arrives at
Iron Bridge Road
9 mins
Service arrives at
Stone Close
11 mins
Service arrives at
Whitethorn Avenue
12 mins
Service arrives at
Roberts Close
13 mins
Service arrives at
Albert Road
Connects to Elizabeth line Connects to Elizabeth line Connects to National Rail Connects to National Rail
15 mins
Service arrives at
West Drayton Station
16 mins
Service arrives at
Ferrers Avenue
Connects to Elizabeth line Connects to Elizabeth line Connects to National Rail Connects to National Rail
17 mins
Service arrives at
Brandville Road
18 mins
Service arrives at
Church Road
19 mins
Service arrives at
Porters Way
20 mins
Service arrives at
Harmondsworth Road
22 mins
Service arrives at
Harmondsworth Lane
23 mins
Service arrives at
Candover Close
24 mins
Service arrives at
Skyport Drive
24 mins
Service arrives at
Colnbrook By-Pass
29 mins
Service arrives at
Heathrow Terminal 5
Connects to Piccadilly Connects to Piccadilly Connects to Elizabeth line Connects to Elizabeth line Connects to National Rail Connects to National Rail Connects to airport Connects to airport