Bus timetable
Off-peak journey times in minutes
0 mins
Service arrives at
Royal Air Force Museum
2 mins
Service arrives at
Saracens High School / South Mead
2 mins
Service arrives at
Long Mead
3 mins
Service arrives at
Wiggins Mead
4 mins
Service arrives at
Woodcroft Pk / the Orion Primary School
6 mins
Service arrives at
Woodcroft Avenue
8 mins
Service arrives at
Mill Hill Broadway Station
9 mins
Service arrives at
Beech Walk
10 mins
Service arrives at
Downhurst Avenue
11 mins
Service arrives at
Sefton Avenue
12 mins
Service arrives at
13 mins
Service arrives at
Dryfield Road
15 mins
Service arrives at
Deansbrook Close
17 mins
Service arrives at
Edgware Community Hosp / Deansbrook Rd
17 mins
Service arrives at
Deansbrook Road
19 mins
Service arrives at
Spring Villa Road
21 mins
Service arrives at
Manor Park Crescent
Connects to Northern Connects to Northern
22 mins
Service arrives at
Edgware Station