Bus timetable
Off-peak journey times in minutes
0 mins
Service arrives at
Long Drive
1 mins
Service arrives at
The Fairway
2 mins
Service arrives at
Whitby Road
3 mins
Service arrives at
Ferncroft Avenue
5 mins
Service arrives at
Eastcote Station
5 mins
Service arrives at
Morford Way
6 mins
Service arrives at
Meadow Way
7 mins
Service arrives at
Bridle Road
9 mins
Service arrives at
Eastcote Road
10 mins
Service arrives at
The Woodman
11 mins
Service arrives at
Haydon Drive
12 mins
Service arrives at
Middleton Drive
13 mins
Service arrives at
Colchester Road
14 mins
Service arrives at
Northwood Hills Station
15 mins
Service arrives at
Northwood Hills Circus
Connects to Metropolitan Connects to Metropolitan
16 mins
Service arrives at
Northwood Health Centre
17 mins
Service arrives at
Northwood Iron Bridge
17 mins
Service arrives at
Hallowell Road
18 mins
Service arrives at
Emmanuel Church
19 mins
Service arrives at
Church Road
21 mins
Service arrives at
Northwood Station
22 mins
Service arrives at
Dene Road
23 mins
Service arrives at
The Glen
23 mins
Service arrives at
Myrtleside Close
25 mins
Service arrives at
Holy Trinity School
26 mins
Service arrives at
Thirlmere Gardens
27 mins
Service arrives at
Mount Vernon Hospital