Bus timetable
Off-peak journey times in minutes
0 mins
Service arrives at
Fulham Road / Beaufort Street
1 mins
Service arrives at
Old Church Street
3 mins
Service arrives at
Royal Brompton Hosp / Royal Marsden Hosp
4 mins
Service arrives at
Onslow Square
5 mins
Service arrives at
Sth Kensington Stn / Old Brompton Rd
Connects to Circle District and Piccadilly Connects to Circle, District and Piccadilly
6 mins
Service arrives at
South Kensington Station
9 mins
Service arrives at
Victoria and Albert Museum
11 mins
Service arrives at
Brompton Square
13 mins
Service arrives at
15 mins
Service arrives at
Knightsbridge Station
20 mins
Service arrives at
Hyde Park Corner Station
23 mins
Service arrives at
Old Park Lane / Hard Rock Cafe
26 mins
Service arrives at
Green Park Station
28 mins
Service arrives at
Old Bond Street / Royal Academy
29 mins
Service arrives at
Piccadilly Circus
34 mins
Service arrives at
Gerrard Place / Chinatown
36 mins
Service arrives at
Denmark Street
40 mins
Service arrives at
British Museum
41 mins
Service arrives at
Montague Street
Connects to Piccadilly Connects to Piccadilly
43 mins
Service arrives at
.Russell Square