Bus timetable
Off-peak journey times in minutes
0 mins
Service arrives at
Northwick Avenue
1 mins
Service arrives at
Harrow High School
3 mins
Service arrives at
Gayton Road
5 mins
Service arrives at
Harrow Town Centre / St John's Road
5 mins
Service arrives at
Harrow Town Centre
6 mins
Service arrives at
Harrow Bus Station
Connects to Metropolitan Connects to Metropolitan Connects to National Rail Connects to National Rail
8 mins
Service arrives at
Lascelles Avenue
10 mins
Service arrives at
Whitmore Road
Connects to Metropolitan Connects to Metropolitan
11 mins
Service arrives at
Porlock Avenue
12 mins
Service arrives at
Dudley Road
13 mins
Service arrives at
Grange Road
Connects to Piccadilly Connects to Piccadilly
15 mins
Service arrives at
South Harrow Station
17 mins
Service arrives at
Corbins Lane
18 mins
Service arrives at
Alexandra Avenue
20 mins
Service arrives at
Kings Road
22 mins
Service arrives at
Holyrood Avenue
23 mins
Service arrives at
Stonefield Way
24 mins
Service arrives at
Civic Way
26 mins
Service arrives at
South Ruislip Station
27 mins
Service arrives at
West Mead
28 mins
Service arrives at
Torcross Road
30 mins
Service arrives at
Torrington Road
31 mins
Service arrives at
Cornwall Road
32 mins
Service arrives at
Ruislip Manor Station
34 mins
Service arrives at
Ruislip Station