Islington Green
towards Dalston Or Newington Green
Live arrivals at 08:09:34
Bus routes served by this stop
- 56 56 to Whipps Cross Due
- 476 476 to Northumberland Park 1 min
- 73 73 to Stoke Newington 7 mins
- 38 38 to Clapton Pond 11 mins
- 341 341 to Meridian Water, Glover Drive 12 mins
- 38 38 to Clapton Pond 15 mins
- 476 476 to Northumberland Park 15 mins
- 73 73 to Stoke Newington 18 mins
- 341 341 to Northumberland Park 20 mins
- 73 73 to Stoke Newington 27 mins
- 38 38 to Clapton Pond 28 mins
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