Bus stop closed
Vodafone works
Green Park Station
(Zone 1)
towards Marble Arch, Knightsbridge Or Victoria
Live arrivals at 02:30:42
Bus routes served by this stop
Live Updates
Live updates are not available for this location at the moment. Please see Timetables to check the frequency of your service.
Live updates are not available for this location at the moment. Please see Timetables to check the frequency of your service.
First and last services, timetables and route details
Sunday Night/Monday Morning
First | 01:10 | 01:40 | 02:10 |
Last | 04:39 | 05:09 | 05:41 |
Friday Night/Saturday Morning
First | 01:19 | 01:48 | 02:18 |
Last | 04:40 | 05:09 | 05:39 |
Saturday Night/Sunday Morning
First | 01:19 | 01:48 | 02:18 |
Last | 04:41 | 05:09 | 05:39 |
Mo-Th Nights/Tu-Fr Morning
First | 01:11 | 01:41 | 02:10 |
Last | 04:39 | 05:10 | 05:41 |
Station facilities
- Euro Cash Machines
- Gates
- Payphones
- Ticket Halls
- Escalators
- Lifts
- Cash Machines
- WiFi
Green Park StationLondon Underground Ltd.
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