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Showing disruptions on route 85 towards Kingston Hall Road Clear route


Status alert for route 85

CROMWELL ROAD BUS STATION: Routes 85 K2 K3 K4 K5 SL7 and N87 towards Putney / Kingston Hospital / Roehampton Vale / Morden / Croydon / Aldwych are disrupted until Thursday 31 October, due to long-term works at Cromwell Road Bus Station. Buses are not serving the usual stop on Cromwell Road. Please use stop "RC" on Cromwell Road instead. Buses will pick up passengers from here instead.

Cromwell Road Bus Station closure from Monday 28 August until Summer 2024: Route 85, towards Putney Bridge, Route K2, towards Kingston Hospital, Route K3, towards Roehampton Vale, Route K5, towards Morden, Route N87, towards Aldwych and Route SL7, towards West Croydon, serve a new stop RC in Cromwell Road, east of the bus station.


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