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Showing disruptions on route 147 towards Hainault Street Clear route


Status alert for route 147

Routes 147 300 304 473 and N551 are diverted via Victoria Dock Road, Connaught Roundabout, Stansfeld Road and Tollgate Road from 21:00 25th July until 04:00 26th July due to roadworks on Prince Regent Lane. ROUTES 147 304 and 473 unable to serve stops from Victoria Dock Road to Newham Way. ROUTES 300 and N551 missing stops from Victoria Dock Road to Sullivan Avenue.

HIGH STREET NORTH / BARKING ROAD: Route 147 unable to serve bus stop S "High Street North" on Barking Road and stops L "Kempton Road" and J "Caledon Road" on High Street North during Thames Water works.

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