Contact red routes

If you need to contact us about any other aspect of our service, go to the Help & contacts section.

Online form: ask a question

You can contact us online with questions about red routes.

Provide as much detailed information as possible to help us give you a prompt response. You'll be able to upload documents to support your enquiry.


Or you can contact us by phone:

UK: 0343 222 2222 (call charges may apply)
International: +44 (0)343 222 2222
Textphone: 020 7649 9123 (if you have impaired hearing)

Open Monday to Friday: 08:00-20:00

You can also view our complaints procedure.

Fleet Auto Pay

UK: 0343 222 2222 (call charges may apply)
International: +44 (0)343 222 2222
Textphone: 020 7649 9123 (if you have impaired hearing)

Open Monday to Friday: 08:00-20:00

Challenging a PCN

Do not use the complaints procedure to challenge the validity of a penalty charge after you receive a PCN. Disputes over penalty charges have their own statutory representations and appeals procedure.

Find out how to challenge a PCN.

If you need to speak to us about a PCN:

Phone: 0343 222 3333 (call charges may apply)

Open Monday to Friday: 08:00-20:00

Make a complaint

If you're not happy with the service you may have received regarding the enforcement of red routes, you may make a complaint online.

Provide as much detailed information as possible to help us give you a prompt response. You will be able to upload documents to support your complaint.

You can also see our red routes complaints procedure.

Challenging a Penalty Charge Notice

Do not use the complaints procedure to challenge the validity of a penalty charge after you receive a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN). Disputes over penalty charges have their own statutory representations and appeals procedure.

If you need to speak to us about a PCN:

Phone: 0343 222 3333 (call charges may apply)

Open Monday to Friday: 08:00-20:00

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