Air quality advice

You can also sign up for free alerts (text, email or voicemail) or download a smartphone app on the airTEXT website. (The sign up message for text alerts will be charged at your standard text rate. Text alerts for Central London are then free.)

Today's forecast: Low

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Tomorrow's outlook: Not available

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

For more information on local pollution, visit the London Air website.

Forecasts for air pollution levels are provided to us by King's College London.

Knowing when air pollution is forecast to get worse can help you decide how best to travel around London to limit the impact of poor air quality. Improving London's air quality will help protect your health and the health of those around you.

If you receive an alert for high or very high air pollution you may want to do the following:

  • Pollution levels are generally higher inside a car so if you are doing a short journey, try an alternative way of travelling - cycle, walk or use public transport
  • If you're making an essential van or lorry journey and are stationary for more than a minute (on a break, loading or unloading) please turn off your engine. Avoid idling

Air quality banding/value

At-risk individuals

General population

Low: 1-3
Enjoy usual outdoor activities
Enjoy usual outdoor activities
Moderate: 4-6
Adults and children with lung problems, and adults with heart problems who experience symptoms, should consider reducing strenuous physical activity, particularly outdoors
Enjoy usual outdoor activities
High: 7-9
Adults and children with lung problems, and adults with heart problems, should reduce strenuous physical exertion, particularly outdoors, and particularly if they experience symptoms. People with asthma may find they need to use their reliever inhaler more often. Older people should also reduce physical exertion
Anyone experiencing discomfort such as sore eyes, cough or sore throat should consider reducing activity, particularly outdoors
Very high: 10
Adults and children with lung problems, adults with heart problems, and older people should avoid strenuous physical activity. People with asthma may find they need to use their reliever inhaler more often
Reduce physical exertion, particularly outdoors, especially if there are symptoms such as cough or sore throat