Elizabeth line performance

Travel information

Elizabeth line train times can be found using TfL's travel tools or on the National Rail website. At stations, information on platforms and train times are available on the digital screens or the public address announcements. We also have staff available at every Elizabeth line station who can assist customers with train information.

Customers can pay for travel on Elizabeth line in different ways:

  • Contactless payment and paper tickets can be used on all Elizabeth line services
  • Oyster cards can be used on all Elizabeth line services except between West Drayton and Reading
  • Information on ticket prices is available in our Fares pages and from staff at every Elizabeth line station
  • Ticket machines are available at every Elizabeth line station and ticket offices are available at all stations between Paddington and Heathrow/Reading and between Liverpool Street and Shenfield

We offer a Turn Up and Go service for customers who need assistance. When the customer arrives at the station, a member of staff will be available in the ticket hall. Customers should speak to staff who will be happy to help and ensure another member of staff is available at your destination station.

All information on accessibility and facilities for customers with reduced mobility can be found on our Transport accessibility pages or in the accessible travel commitments on the MTR Elizabeth line travel information page.

Information on travelling with bicycles is available on the Cycles on public transport page.

All Elizabeth line stations are fully staffed from the first train to the last train. If you are travelling and have queries about ticketing or anything else, speak to a member of staff. Our contact centre can also help - see the Contact us - Tube, Rail, Overground, DLR, Trams, Stations page.

We have help points strategically placed on platforms. The information button can be used to speak to a member of staff for train information. The emergency button can be used to seek help in an emergency.

When things go wrong with the train service, we aim to restore the service as quickly as possible and give customers up to date and accurate information. We will advertise the status of the service on the TfL website to warn customers if the service isn't running normally. In severe disruption, we will arrange for customers to use their tickets free of charge on alternative services.

Our staff at stations and on trains will give customers live information. We will explain what has caused the disruption, what impact it is having on the train service and what the best advice is for customers to complete their journey.

In some cases, customers will be able to claim a refund for disrupted journeys. Information on refunds is on the London Overground and Elizabeth line delays page.

Information on how to claim lost property on Elizabeth line services is on the Lost property page.


Our customers and users expect a safe and reliable transport network and we put customers at the heart of everything we do.

Between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024:

  • 87.4% of trains arrived at their destination within 5 minutes of their scheduled arrival time
  • 83.9% of trains arrived at their destination within 3 minutes of their scheduled arrival time
  • 75.4% of trains arrived at their destination within 1 minute of their scheduled arrival time
  • 4.35% of trains were cancelled

There are occasions, usually outside of our control, where trains may be delayed or disrupted. During these times, MTR Elizabeth line works with Network Rail to run as normal a service as possible. A set of contingency plans have been pre-agreed with Network Rail and other operators who share the route. These are designed to be implemented as soon as an incident has occurred and are created to allow all operators to run services for customers. The impact of these plans will be communicated clearly to customers and in a timely manner.

If there are delays or cancellations, we aim to give customers as much notice as possible and simply and clearly explain what the problem is, what the impact is and what our advice is. We will make announcements at the stations and on trains. More information on how we deal with delays can be found in the Passenger information during disruption procedure on the MTR Elizabeth line website.

If customers are able to claim refunds, announcements will be made at stations.

Cleanliness of trains and stations

Our trains and stations are cleaned regularly. Twice a day our stations are lightly cleaned - floors are swept and mopped, all touchable surfaces are cleaned and bins are emptied. Every 4 weeks our stations undergo a deep cleaning regime which includes scrubbing the floors, washing the windows, cleaning CCTV cameras and cutting back overgrown vegetation outside the station.

The train exteriors are regularly washed. A light clean of the train interior, which includes wiping grab poles, windows and surfaces, emptying bins and clearing litter, is done before the start of every journey. A deeper clean of the interior is done every 7 days where the seats are vacuumed, floors are washed and any soiled seat covers are replaced.

Customer satisfaction survey

MTR Elizabeth line continuously monitors customer satisfaction through regular surveys. TfL does monthly audits of stations and trains and our own customer satisfaction surveys. Customers are asked for their views on every aspect of their journey on the Elizabeth line - for example how safe and secure they felt, the availability and helpfulness of staff, what the information provision is like and how reliable the service is. We use the feedback to continuously improve our service and the facilities available for our customers.

Complaints and compensation

The TfL contact centre manage all complaints, commendations and compensation requests received by customers. Having fully investigated any complaints, we aim to respond to a customer within 10 working days with a full explanation.

In 2023/24, we received a total of 1446 customer complaints. 96.98% of all customer complaints were closed within 20 working days.

Our top 5 complaint categories were:

Complaint category Number of complaints received (1/4/2023-31/3/2024)
Service performance 754
Attitude and helpfulness of the staff at station 163
Built environment 159
Service information and publicity 184
Accident, safety and security 57

Improvement actions

We took action to reduce the number of complaints in the top categories:

Service performance

We're committed to constantly improving performance on the Elizabeth line through our 'On Track to 90' campaign - this aims to drive service levels above the 90% Public Performance Measure (PPM). The campaign involves internal measures to boost performance, such as how we manage Passengers Ill on Trains (PIOTs), campaigns such as encouraging customers to 'bin' their litter to avoid it becoming trapped in train doors and working with Network Rail on a £140m Thames Valley improvement programme.

This strong commitment to performance has seen the Elizabeth line crowned as one of Britain's most reliable railways. Our latest performance results can be found on the ORR's website.

The attitudes and helpfulness of the staff at station

In 2023/24 we continued to roll out 'Icon' Customer Service training to our teams. We also expanded our Service Quality team to include a Service Quality Manager for each section of the Elizabeth line (East, Central & West) to help to drive customer service coaching and training on a one-to-one basis with our team members.

The Elizabeth line has some of the lowest staff complaint rates in the industry, and we have the highest customer satisfaction score when compared to all other London transport modes. Our teams do an excellent job and our improvement activities will help to drive this further.

Built environment

The Elizabeth line is committed to respecting the community we operate in. All noise complaints are investigated and, in many cases, we employ professional noise measurement services to ensure we comply with Network Rail noise standards. We also have systems in place to reduce announcement volumes during unsociable hours.

Service information and publicity

Complaint rates in this area are exceptionally low given that around 700,000 customers use the Elizabeth line each day. Information and publicity complaints are often driven by signage issues or driver announcements. We have several work streams in place to continuously improve in this area.

Accident, safety and security

Complaint rates in this area are exceptionally low, given that around 600,000 customers use the Elizabeth line each day. Accident, safety and security complaints are mainly driven by slips and trips on stations, or the general perception of safety and security.

Our Annual Security Plan contains several measures to continuously improve in this area. Several factors already help drive a strong perception of safety and security for our customers:

  • Elizabeth line stations and trains are newly redeveloped or brand new
  • Stations are bright and airy and are staffed from first to last train
  • Trains have full walk-through carriages and CCTV covers the whole train
  • There is a short gap between stations

Information on complaints and compensation requests can be requested on the Contact us - Tube, Rail, Overground, DLR Trams, Stations page.


We're committed to assisting all customers who travel on the Elizabeth line. We have boarding ramps at all our stations without level access from platform to train. We also fully support and participate in the national Passenger Assist system to ensure our customers can have assistance regardless of which train operator they are travelling with.

We can help customers get on and off trains. We don't have a reservation system onboard our trains but we have seats clearly marked for customers with reduced mobility or disabilities.

Customers can book assistance in advance by speaking to the contact centre - find out how to Contact us about accessibility - or booking through National Rail. Booking is not mandatory however and customers are welcome to turn up at a station and ask for assistance.

More information on assistance available to customers can be found in the Accessible Travel Policy on the MTR Elizabeth line Travel: Passenger information page or on our Transport accessibility pages.