
19652 requests found

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Follow-on from FOI-1225-2122: I politely draw attention to your statement: "Mitie is a trusted contractor with whom we have a long-standing relationship, and we would have had no reason to doubt...

Good morning, I would like to request the following information: - Revenue created from LEZ charges since incorporation of the scheme - Daily charges - Fines and...

Please send me a copy of the data tfl use to assess the performance of the Metropolitan line's Chesham branch. Please also send the nearest equivalent data for the Metropolitan line as a whole...

Please can you provide the following , The numbers of Taxi's entering congestion charge zone (during hours of charging) between 01/08/21 and 30/09/21 by daily weekday & weekend average for each...

Can you publish the attachment to the FOI release titled: "Pricing in bids for electric bus services" to the disclosure log. The reference number for the FOI release is FOI-1686-2122 Thanks

Please can you provide the amount collected from the emissions fee for each financial year since the introduction. Please can provide a breakdown of what these totals were spent on.

Can you please treat this email as an FOI. I have been informed by the DfT that at some stage during the past 21 years the priority user list for fuel access in a fuel emergency has been changed...

Regarding the order of a new fleet of trains for the Piccadilly line placed with Siemens, what cancellation penalty fee would TFL be liable for should they cancel this order in the next six months?...

Please provide a full list of station pairs where TfL anomalously charges the Zone 1 pay as you go fare (£2.40 at any time) for a journey that is actually a Zone 1-2 journey (ie one of the stations...

I would like to make the following FOI request, relating to the Night Tube operations Since its introduction, how many crimes have been reported by Customers on each NT line, during NT hours....