How much revenue does TFL earn from Red route road lane closures and fines issued from over run streetworks, illegal street works, faultyand dangerous street works. TFL charges Contractors,...
I am writing to request the following information under the freedom of information act. Please could you provide the figure for the volume in litres and total price paid for liquid hand sanitiser...
The Silvertown Tunnel Environment Statement (2016) includes projections of the level of traffic in the modelled road network, and of carbon dioxide and other emissions, for a reference case in...
My request is an audio file for Route 96 towards Bluewater
ULEZ Autopay - annual £10 registration fee - what relevant real administrative cost (rather than hypothetical cost) is this expected to cover. the rational behind charging it and why this is...
Calls made to 0343 222 2222 since the start of November on the ULEZ zone. How many calls made (including any not eventually answered) to the line each hour e.g. for Tuesday 7th Dec 00:00-01:00...
To whom this may concern How many PCN were issued by the camera stationed outside the Fire Station on Homerton High Street in Hackney between 1 January 2019 and 31 December 2019 and the same...
1. For each of the last three financial years (i) 2018/19, (ii) 2019/20 and (iii) 2020/21 please state how many claims you paid to passengers who had made a claim for compensation...
Addition to FOI-2039 In addition to the below request I would like to add an additional point to the same request. Can you confirm if the planning permission which is one of the requirements... As an FOI request, can you please provide the emails between Bolt and TfL regarding changes to their modus operandi?