
19710 requests found

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Hello My name is <redacted>, I am writing a thesis on traffic safety. How many roundabouts, mini-roundabouts, T junctions, staggered junction, crossroads are in London. Thanks for your help.

Clean Air Your View Please advise 1 the cost of this survey 2 Why not a simple For or Against? 3If cars are getting cleaner and the MAJORITY are ok so why this survey? 4 Please provide the statistics...

following the previous request with ref:FOI-1438-1819/GH, it shows how much money is accumulated by the congestion charge. my request is, to see the most recent calculation of the congestion...

Follow-up to 0137-2223: It has been noted that as of the rainfall on 20/05/22 the pooling surface water has returned to this location, despite remedial works having been undertaken. Please see...

Please would it be possible to know what year Asbestos brake pads were banned on London Underground trains?

Follow-up to FOI-0233-2223: Thanks for this response - really helpful. Is it possible to ask a quick follow-up question or would I need to go through the FOI again? My question would be… Of...

---What are the total fossil fuel emissions of bus routes operating in London broken down by borough? Please provide the data in the form of the attached spreadsheet for each London borough....

Dear Transport for London, Can you please provide the updated document of the staff passes and the discounts associated with the non safeguarded staff and where to have these priv discounts...

I would like to know the average monthly wheelchair use on the route 74 and 14 buses. The route 74 is heavily used by people getting to and from the Cromwell hospital and the 14 bus route...

The retail team at the London Euston Avanti West Coast Travel Centre, advise me, that they receive multiple enquiries on a daily basis in relation to your Oyster Card. After your customers are...