I would like to know how many incomplete journeys are charged for on a yearly basis. I was at the o2 seeing a band. After the event, the gates were kept open at Greenwich tube, and the gates...
Freedom Of Information Request To whom it may concern, Please can you supply me with the following information? Registration number: Make: Model: of all vehicles registered as a Taxi, Hackney...
Hello, Further to the data supplied for the FOI request FOI-0411-2223 on 24 June 2022, I would like to request updated data for the same datasets for recent months, i.e. Trial period 13 (June...
Hi Please provide a record of disruptions on the central line from 2019 to present to include date and cause of disruption. Thank you
To Whom It May Concern, Please provide complete answers to the following questions: What is the name of your organisation? How many employees are at your organisation? How many mobile phone and...
Please disclose the following information under the terms of FOI: -the duration, reasons and total number of escalator closures at Cutty Sark DLR since 1 April 2021 -the duration, reasons and...
I would like the tachograph speed recordings for each R70 bus traveling in each direction along Broad Lane, Hampton, TW12, to understand the speed these are being driven at. You may confine your...
Do London Buses consult with the police and local authority for bus frequency changes, journey removals (i.e. AM journeys remaining but PM journeys being removed), and for the removal of routes...
Follow-up to FOI-1330-2223: Thank you for your email regarding my FoI request. Apologies for the ambiguity, the London Cycle Network is a signposted series of routes created by TfL clearly...
I wish to see all documentation and emails pertaining to the redesign of Battersea Bridge Traffic, especially those pertaining to the proposed banned left turn travelling west along Cheyne Walk...