In 2017, how many complaints were made to TFL about London cab drivers refusing service to wheelchair users? In 2018, how many complaints were made to TFL about London cab drivers refusing service...
Who uses and what is the building at (51.5537834, -0.4509776) between Hillingdon station and the A40 used for. Is it rented out or used by TfL? I can see it is freehold TfL land
Can you please share the data behind the "Mortality burden of air pollution by wards in Greater London, 2019" chart on page 4 of TfL-commissioned report "London Health Burden of Current Air...
I wish to obtain information regarding the construction of Cycleways in the current funding settlement until 24 June 2022. This follows my previous request, FOI-2382-2122. One of the requirements...
I am requesting the minutes taken from the 2 most recent Bus Services meetings.
Recently you sent me an email stating the "Updated Announcements should be there" Only they weren't there. This is what i would like Central Middlesex Hospital" is now "Park Royal, Central Middlesex...
All correspondence between the TFL, consultants and/or Enfield Council regarding traffic congestion leading to and around Southgate Circus N14, from January 2019 to the current time. Also to...
Dear Sirs We understand you are the Highway Authority for Constitution Hill from the western end of Constitution Hill in the direction of Buckingham Palace. We request production of:- 1. The...
Have London Underground given product approval/ acceptance to any suppliers of composite/ recycled plastic sleepers? If so does the acceptance include use in tunnels? Is there a technical requirements...
Please send me a copy of audited accounts for year 2021/22 for London Buses, London Dial A Ride and London Underground and let me know when Crossrail Project will be complete and total cost of...