Dear Transport for London, Please let me know detail of TfL specialist expertise and funding engagement to date with Brent Council South Kilburn car-free, tall building, Good Growth Area? Given...
Please provide a list of any and all contact your organisation and/or staff have had with British American Tobacco, Imperial Brands, Japan Tobacco International, Philip Morris International,...
Please provide, in a table, all responses to the 2022 ULEZ expansion consultation survey. This data should be in a similar format as that supplied to whomever conducted the analysis used to inform...
Dear FOI Please may I request, as part of the Freedom of Information Act, the following information relating to those employed as Band 4 Engineers in TfL from April 2018 to date: 1) For Band...
Hello, Can you tell me: a) Is TfL installing ANPR cameras as part of the ULEZ Expansion in the Greater London Area. If so, does TfL have requisite legal powers and consent from the Government...
Please could you provide me with the following information: Which company provides TFL with the ANPR cameras used for the expanded ULEZ zone? Which country are the ANPR cameras (that will...
Almost every Friday night for at least the last 6 years I travel home up the A12 northbound and find that the Green Man tunnel is closed and the traffic is diverted up to the roundabout and along...
Is there an approximate timeframe in which we can expect the first train to be fully refurbished under the Central Line Improvement Programme to enter service, whether this be on special runs...
I would also like a freedom of information request on how many people have died from air pollution in london over the 10 years. We keep hearing the mayor has said 4000 people but this has not...
Dear FOI team, Freedom of Information Act Request Letter I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I would be interested in all the information held by Transport...