
19670 requests found

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Currently how much has it cost to implement the new booking and scheduling system(VIA) at Dial A Ride, and what are the ongoing subscription costs annually?

Dear Tfl, I am writing to you regarding the Battery Loco Timetable, is there anyway I could have the Timetable, To Trainspot It?

Dear Transport for London, Do you have the audio file of the chime played on London buses whenever the driver makes a manual announcement? I am unable to find these in the announcement folders...

Normally, provided that there’s no special circumstance, how long is the probation period for a new CSA2 (full-time)?

On or around the 29th November 1999 St James underground Station and the surrounding roads were closed for a short period of time due to an incident. I an carrying out some research and I would...

Dear London Transport Insurance (Guernsey) Limited, Please could you forward the information requested below :- 1. Why are all the live webcams in London switched off? 2. How long are they...

Follow-up to FOI-2432-2425: Thank you for this, the bus data is very helpful, however I possibly didn’t make myself clear as regards budget for the A23 planning improvements from Streatham Hill...

I was looking for some more reassurance that the service would improve. What are the KPI's and/or SLA s that the 166 bus service has?

I would like deanonymised data showing how many private hire driver licenses have been revoked in the last 18 months due to points not being declared?

Dear TfL, I live in Lambeth on Thurlow Park Road for which I believe, TfL is the highway authority. I regularly clear leaves and rubbish from the footway outside my property and have done so...