I am writing to make a follow-up request related to FOI-0679-2223, which included speed graphs taken from the Automated Track Monitoring System (ATMS) train on 16 January 2020. Specifically,...
Hello Team, Can I please get the bus lane traffic management order for A406 N Circular RD E-BND opp palmerston road N13
I would like a current breakdown/list of ticket machine types currently in use on London Underground stations. Information to include - location, machine type (4 variations in all I believe),...
Users have been unable to access their Contactless and Oyster accounts for some months now, owing to the fact that the two factor authentication system does not appear to be working. Upon contacting...
Please would you let me have a copy of the final report of the "Proposed changes to bus route 410" (see link below). https://haveyoursay.tfl.gov.uk/bus-route-410?tool=qanda#tool_tab
F/on from FOI-3053 Many thanks for the information provided. As you mentioned the bus stop became TfL’s property after 23/11/2000, I would appreciate if you could tell what company/owner TfL...
f/O from 2673-2425 Dear FOI team, I'm following up on this request with the following questions/clarifications: 1. I plan to import this dataset into UK Data Service (UKDS)'s SecureLab, where...
Follow-up to FOI-3015-2425: When the local arrangements were agreed and put in place there must have been minutes for that meeting to govern this. Can you please clarify if those minutes are...
Please can you confirm plans for replacing the existing buses with electric buses on route 315
Hi there I would like to see the presentation, reports, agenda and meeting minutes from any meetings held between Royal Borough of Kingston's Highways Team and TfL during the months from and...