
19668 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

Dear Transport for London, I write in relation to TfL's application to the London Borough of Havering for a "request for a Screening Opinion for an Enviromental Impact Assesment in repsect to...

Dear Transport for London, Under the Freedom Of Information Act 2000 could you please attach the new sound files for North Greenwich on the Jubilee Line 1996 Stock trains please. You have changed...

Dear Transport for London, Please can you provide copies of the following London Buses NOEs (Notice of Events). NO23/45825 - DOLLIS ROAD NO23/46015 - EDMONTON GREEN NORTH COLONNADE - NO23/46205 NO23/45504...

Under the freedom of information act please provide a full copy of any contracts between TFL and Emirates for their former naming rights sponsorship of the London cable cars. Please provide...

Please provide each answer as it is available without waiting for answers to all the requests to be available From dealings with the scrappage department it has become apparent that TFL are...

Follow-on from FOI-1948-2324: Does TfL collaborate with the Home Office on immigration enforcement in other ways? If yes, could you please provide full details of the arrangement that exists...

Dear Transport for London, Further to your ref: FOI-22241-2324/GH, please can you provide copies of the following London Buses NOEs (Notice of Events). SO23/42207 Park Road SO23/42263A Harleyford...

I would like to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act. 1. What is the longest wait for a Tfl private hire driver licence which is still outstanding? 1. How...

Could you please send me a copy of the Data Protection Impact Assessment covering the impact of installing many hundreds of ULEZ cameras to support the expansion of the ULEZ scheme in August...

A copy of the big red book