
18389 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

Please disclose a copy of the Operations and Maintenance (O&M) contract for the London Cable Car awarded to Doppplemayr Cable Car in March this year.

under the freedom of information act I would like to request the following. The current level of staff within the TPH department allocated with issuing licences How the number has changed from...

Follow-up to FOI-0775-2425: I would like to request the emails without the attachments please. This way you have to review only a tiny amount of information which cannot possibly be viewed as...

I am writing with a request for the following information : 1. Please provide the number of offences where a fixed penalty notice has been issued for Contravention Code 131 - stopping on box...

Can you share a breakdown of complaints related to vaping on public transport by number per month since January 2023? Is TfL aware of this increasing issue from complaints or by other means...

During the recent weekend multiple closures of the Blackwall Tunnel, you advised Customers of Bus Route 108 that at certain times, the bus route would run in two sections - Stratford to Canning...

We are currently looking at falls and talking to residents of Tower Hamlets about their experiences to find out what support is available and how they maintain their independence, health and...

I would like a detailed map of the tube , showing stations with disabled toilets sent to my address. And also a copy of the large print colour of the London underground.

Please can i have a copy of the rules that govern TFL bus inspections for passengers getting on a bus, on a current journey on a bus and when a passenger has vacated a bus CLARIFICATION I asking...

Dear Sirs The speed limit on the A20 coming out of London into Kent has been subject of a temporary reduction in the speed limit from 50mph to 40mph leading up to Crittalls Corner and from...