
19698 requests found

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The duration and frequency of repairs required for the Cutty Sark DLR escalators is a disgrace to TfL. 1. What is the exact, detailed reason for the duration and frequency of the escalators...

F/O from 0110-2425 Thankyou for your reply You stated in writing The cameras are “considered low risk” , therefore TFL dont know the risk to the public and to public health Its all a consideration...

I refer to your webpage here:, in which TfL states the following: The Metropolitan Police enforces speed limits across...

Hello,I would like to officially see the results under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Unfortunately, I am disappointed with the outcome. By way of yet another example today (22-Apr-24),...

1. In the past five years (between 2019-2024), how many suicides* have taken place on the London underground (broken down by year)? * The number of incidents of people hit by trains where it...

Please can you confirm number of people who applied for role of Senior Risk and opportunity manager - your ref 044946.

In the below article it's mentioned "The spokesperson pointed out that it is an offence to place apparatus on Ulez infrastructure without consent." I...

How much revenue has Ulez made since being operational and what is the revenue spent on

Hello, I am writing this to receive footage from a robbery incident that occurred on an tfl bus on the 25th of March 2024 at roughly 4:05pm to 4:25 pm. The bus stop where got on is bus stop...

I am requesting the number of paid revenue journeys on London Underground and the amount of revenue generated from these fares (excluding the use of Freedom Passes and 60+ Oyster Cards) For...