I should also like to see ( as an FOI request) an analysis of fines imposed in the past year at this location. Street : Outside 29 STONECOT HILL - A24 Control : Loading and Unloading Only Restriction...
1. How many appeals against the Congestion Charge have been made annually on the grounds that the driver was not aware they were in the Congestion Charge Area? 2. What percentage of appeals are...
I have a few questions about the Ibus system: When a bus enters the fleet, who installs the ibus and does the operator or TFL enter the vehicle details (VehicleID®) to ensure accuracy and can...
Could I please request data on the race or ethnicity of all those who work for TFL tube stations. Specifically, those who work in the underground tube stations. Could this please be put into...
Dear Sirs I wish to carry out a Freedom of Information request and shall be very grateful if you can give me answers to my questions set out below. 1. On what date was a “A no right hand turn...
I would like to request all correspondence/information relating to the ERAD (Electric Rear Axle Drive) part of the LEVC TX Taxi. This request includes any internal correspondence/documents within...
Good morning. I would like to know if TFL is charging drivers of private vehicles for driving across London Bridge between 7am and 7pm. If they are, how much is the fine? and how many drivers...
Can London Borough Councils, use the ULEZ cameras to monitor and act, on heavy duty vehicles using limited weight restriction roads, ie 7.5 ton limits?
Please can you confirm if TfL(London Underground) sponsor visa for Control Centre Operator working in the Asset Control Centre?
Please confirm how checks of passenger Freedom passes are managed at stations. In particular, a copy of the guidance given to TFL staff on how to conduct pass checks, and how to ensure Freedom...