To whom it may concern I'm a PhD student researching the impact of roadspace transformation on public transport mode share and/or ridership. By roadspace transformation, I mean changing the...
Like FOI-2804-1920 please provide this data or more detailed for the last 6 months or the last 12 months please
Hi, Hope you are well. I wanted to ask, is there any planned recruitment campaigns for TFL CSA 1, roles, either night tube or part time during the week within the next year. Also, if you...
Follow-up to FOI-3582-2324: Your own press release from 2021 makes multiple references to covering "every station": "Uninterrupted...
The last week the bus stop outside Colindale Tube station is closed. No information as to when this will end etc nothing. When the Tube station is shut in the Spring will there be a bus service...
Please provide similar data as foi2804-1920 but for the piccadilly line and metropolitan line please Please can this be for the last 6 months or a year if that is possible please
This request relates to the TfL proposed Oakleigh Road North Bus priority scheme relating to the A109 in Whetstone, N20 1. Is it correct that such proposals are being/have been considered...
I am interested in obtaining information regarding the amount spent by Transport for London (TFL) on salting and gritting roads. Specifically, I request the following details: 1. The total expenditure...
Southfields Station: Step- free access is not available due to unavailability of station staff. @TfLAccess This happens multiple times a week at around the same time. Is it a gap in rotas so...
I want to make a request regarding information relating to a road closure on 16/12/2023, at around 12:33pm in Swinton Street (A501) at its junction with Gray's Inn Road (A501), probably due to...