
19698 requests found

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Dear Transport for London, As part of the 2015 dereglulation act it is possible for ph operators to sub contract bookings to other operators located in a different Licensing Authority, I would...

In order to obtain a ph vehicle through Uber London Ltd the customer is required to download the uber application (uber BV) & agree to the terms & conditions, these terms contain the following...

Under the FOI Act please send me any written correspondence between engineering firm Arup and Richard de Cani in the time period covering the last six months of 2012 until Mr de Cani left TfL...

- The total amount of money lost by TfL (in terms of wages, Tube journeys not taken, for example) during periods of industrial strike action that involved TfL's London Underground staff in 2012-2016....

Please could I have information on: A monthly breakdown from 2012 to 2016 of revenue collected by Emirates Air Line A monthly breakdown from 2012 to 2016 of operating costs incurred by Emirates...

I am a 6th Year MArch Architecture Student at the University of Nottingham, doing a design project on the site of Redcross Way/15-23 Southwark Street in Southwark. I would like to know the...

1. Please could you provide me with tables, broken down by month, showing the numbers of items of property that were (i) handed in as lost and (ii) returned, broken down by the category...

Please can you supply the following information under the Freedom of information act 2000 How many Private hire drivers have signed and returned the declaration of consent regarding TFL's document...

Dear TFL, I am writing to request data relating to the number of times Canada Water has been temporarily closed due to overcrowding. This includes incidents when the ticket barriers have been...

Further to my request below for information on commuters from Gidea Park station during rush hour, I would also like an acknowledgment of the following figures: Commuters Mon- Friday during...