
19698 requests found

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1. How many requests for refunds on the ground of the Congestion Charge payer paying for the wrong day have been made in the last 5 years. 2. How many of those requests have been refused. 3....

Could you please let me know what is the process for selecting recruitment agencies to supply to TFL?

Please supply the Service Manager's Daily Review for the Jubilee line, and the Daily Operational Performance Review (all lines), both for 22nd March 2017.

My request is as follows: * Please disclose the number of staff found to have falsified their CVs/job applications in the calendar years 2015 and 2016; * In each case, please disclose the individual's...

from the TfL Board Minutes of 8 February 2017 (pp. 5-6) I understand that Vodafone has been repeatedly, and successfully, prosecuted by TfL or issued with Fixed Penalty Notices for failing to...

Since 9th May 2016, the number of times a train on the Piccadilly Line was delayed between Monday and Friday and 06:30 and 09:30 – with a breakdown of the date of each delay, length of each delay,...

Can you please send me the updated CLD & Stickers as per the link below from June 2016 to Present or advise when the page below will be updated. I noticed that it hasn't been updated to reflect...

Please provide the total expenditure on legal legal fees, including tax, by Transport for London, on Tribunal and Court proceedings between Mr Greg O'Cathail and Transport for London, from 2008...

1. Uber London Limited is listed on the TfL/TPH website as having a private hire operator base in Tower Hamlets, under PH operator number 7979 expiring on the 301 h May 2017. Would TfL please confirm...

This FOI is to ask "what are the distances between each pair of cameras in the A316 average speed camera system?"