Could you please supply me with any/all contact emails/phone calls/letters,meetings made by John Mason (former head of TFLTPH) Helen Chapman (Current head of TFLTPH) Leon Daniels, Garrett Emmerson,...
Can I please have a list of TfL all bus stops in the London Borough of Southwark showing which ones are fully accessible and which are not.
Would you please supply data on how many people with disabilities use Black Taxis and how many use PHVs? How many of these journeys are by Taxi and how many are by PHV? How does this compare...
I would be very much obliged if you could supply me with information of the total number of licensed taxis and a breakdown by year of numbers up to 15 years (when they are unable to renew due...
I am contacting you under the freedom of information act to request the following information: 1. Who is the department that was responsible for identifying the need for the camera that has...
Dear Tfl, Could you please advice if the trial Average Speed Cameras on A2 between the Blackwall Tunnel and Dartford Heath are now fully operational? If so, when will the 30mph temporary speed...
“Any and all statistical information (and related documentation) from the past 6 months specifying the number of licensed private hire operators who having satisfied all licence renewal conditions...
Can you please provide details of all meetings and email correspondence between Mike Brown, Leon Daniels and David Plouffe between the 7th July 2015 & 7th August 2015.
Please could you release any data/reports/breakdowns/etc of closures of the Emirates Airline due to poor weather during 2016 and 2017 so far.
I have some questions in regards to your S stock automated announcements. 1. I am aware that you replaced the Phil Sayer "please mind the gap between the train and the platform" announcements...