
19652 requests found

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How many licensed TfL Private Hire Drivers does Uber London have on its platform? An operator must give TfL the details of all drivers who are working for them. When did Uber last supply TfL...

The number of revocation and disciplinary decisions that Mr Peter Blake has personally overseen.

Can I have a copy of the response drafted by TFL and sent to David Kurten Assembly member?

I'm preparing a thesis that I will present at the end of this month which concerns the Hammersmith Bridge but unfortunately I could not find enough useful material online for my studies. I'm...

Could you please send me all daily operational performance reports from the start of 2017 to the most recent possible date. If these are too large to send as an email attachment, please send...

What date do the new average speed cameras on the A2 (between the Blackwall Tunnel and Dartford Heath) go live. Will you be putting up signage to warn drivers when the new average speed cameras...

Since the introduction of the average speed cameras on the A316 between Twickenham and the start of the M3, how many people have been caught speeding as I travel on this road twice a day and...

Hello, Im currently doing research on how tram links affect travel figures by mode to shopping centres. Do you know where I can find passenger number data using the Centrale stop? Do you also...

Can you confirm, within the last 12 calendar months beginning with April 2016 , how many days the TFL Rail line has operated a full service where trains have been able to call at all stations...

Under FOI I request that you sent me copies of all the three consultation documents regarding the vehicle/diesel pollution consultations done last summer and autumn and the latest consultation....