I was wondering where I could get a copy of all the IBUS recordings, heard and unheard?
Under the FOI request could i please request a CD of all of the following automated announcements (including all currently used announcements and old announcements and those which are held in...
1. how many hydrogen fueled vehicles are operated in London by TfL service providers? 2. which of the TfL service providers are operating hydrogen fueled vehicles? 3. what is the cost of hydrogen...
A list of all TfL bus stops in Southwark. Marking which ones have working Countdown bus information displays
There is an average speed camera system on the A13 (East London). The system records the time each vehicle was at each camera and, by knowing the distances between cameras, the average speed...
Dear Transport for London, Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information: 1) The monthly figure for vehicles that are captured by the average speed...
1) Please advise if you have produced, or currently intend to produce, a list of wheelchair accessible: a) taxis and b) private hire vehicles under the powers set out in S167 of the Equality...
With regard to the survey, please could you provide the following information: Was it undertaken before or after verbal approval of distribution of Metro newspapers was given? Who drew up and...
Please confirm how many penalty charge notices were successfully appealed for the period 1/1/16 - 31/12/16 Please confirm how many penalty charge notices were issues for the period 1/1/16-31/1/16...
Can TfL please confirm the following; 1. What, if any, responsibility TfL has with regards to this monument? 2. If the answer to question 1 is yes, then what are these responsibilities? 3. Within...