
19358 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

1) Please declare Dial a ride budget for 2017/18

Specifically, my query relates to the Westway (Exact Co-ordinates: 51.520049,-0.181171) between Wetbourne Bridge and Edgware Road. Please can you send me: 1) A copy of your current road maintenance...

Having read the latest TfL Business Plan I would like to request some information that is missing from the latest plan despite having been provided in earlier Business Plans. The information...

I apply under the terms of the Freedom of Information legislation for information on how many times since January 2010 have Tubes been delayed due to over-crowding?

I would like to request under the FOI process the following information. 1. The salaries of all Centurion Grade managers on LUL which would cover the years 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, this would...

Can you please let me know the total number of fines issued / paid related to the average speed camera corridor put in place on the a316 last year. If possible a breakdown of which segments...

The overtime ban on London Underground began on 8th December 2016 and since then has seen many stations close due to lack of staff. Since this date stations have seen licensed ambassadors covering...

The records I was hoping to review regarding the maintenance of the A12 were specifically for the year 2015. The records that you have provided show last years repairs etc. Is it possible...

F/on from FOI-1745 Please provide me with all correspondence made between TfL and the coach/bus operator Anderson Travel from 2010-2013 regarding coach/bus parking along Stamford Street in Lambeth.

I have been advised by Tfl to contact you for answers to the following questions. 1 What are the problems with the funding for the project. 2. When will all the funding be in place. 3. When...