
19631 requests found

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I refer to This document refers to two schemes (as identified by references i and ii in square brackets in the following text) which TfL...

1) Please can you supply a PDF or Excel or some kind of word document (any format) script book for Croydon Tramlink. I am interested to know what is announced approaching/departing from each. 2)...

Under the Freedom of Information act please could you send me a full list of all the sub-contractors/suppliers with contact details that are or have been involved on: Four Lines Modernisation...

Please could you disclose how many licensed Private Hire Companies have signed a NDA agreement with TFL?

Hi, under a freedom of information request could I have the following info please. All Emails between Siwan Haywood & Helen Fletcher (Uber) between 1 Jan 17 - 30 Aug

I would like to obtain the following: (-)A CD of Tramlink announcements. (-)Means of contacting (either e-mail or website) Global Services Ltd, ...

I am writing to you because I have a few questions in case I wanted to request to receive a CD or a zipped file containing announcements used in London transportation. Firstly, can individuals...

As a follow up request, (FOI-1208-1718 ) please provide a further breakdown of each of the following payments referenced in this information by line item, stating what element of each payment...

I would like to get a handle on whether bus drivers are using the new iBus announcements and whether they are making a difference for disabled people. The announcements in question are: "A...

Can you please provide me with Emails between Howard Carter & Helen Fletcher (Uber) between 1 Jan 17 - 30 Aug 17