1. A copy (in PDF format, or other elecctromic format) of the current London Underground Rule Book, together with all of the relevant appendixes relating to Stations, Operations, Trains and Track,...
I contact you with regard to a request for the following LUL company documents. 1) Employment Policy 2) Discipline at work support pack 3) Discipline Standard (as referred to in the Discipline...
I would like to make a request under the freedom of information act regarding candidate scores and marks for the recent Trains Manager Campaign 022817. I do not require the Individuals names,...
Follow-on from FOI-1102-1718: To be more specific it is the underpass on the north circular east bound underneath the Cambridge Heath roundabout in Edmonton. I wanted to know before the 29th...
I would like an answer to the following : 1) How many instances have you issued a PCN against someone who has maintained that they have paid the Congestion Charge in good time, for the months...
I am requesting data on London Underground (only) fares income broken down by each source of fare income, as well as percentage of usage for each source of fare income. If there are other fares...
1) May 2017 Full Working Timetable and Monday to Friday, Saturday and Sunday Unit Diagrams for TfL Rail service Liverpool St - Sheffield 2) Current DLR working timetable
I was wondering if you could tell me how much money TfL receives from the Evening Standard and the Metro to allow them to distribute their newspapers from TfL stations across the entire network?
Dear Sir/Madam I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information regarding Holborn underground station, for one 24 hour period between Monday...
Can you please let me know how many housing developments have been approved on TfL land since May 2016? Also, can you please tell me the affordable housing requirements for these developments,...