Under the Freedom of Information Act, please can you provide me with the following? Any correspondence (letters or emails) – between JULY 18, 2016 and JULY 31, 2016 – to or from the following...
Can you please confirm whether the average speed cameras on the A2 from the Blackwall Tunnel to The Black Prince are enforcing the 50mph speed limit?
Please can you tell me under the ticket office closure plan: How many people out of the 838 positions that were to go have taken redundancy? How many have left without taking redundancy? ...
If cost permitting can you supply me with a breakdown of year when current ph licence holders were issued with their first ph licence
I am writing to file an FOI request for information on any meetings and/or discussions that officials from Transport for London held with Liberal Democrat Councillors in the London Borough of...
Please see attached email fro further information
We're making a research on how people in peak hours make their route choices depending on their predictions of overcrowding and on the real situation in the Underground. 1) We would like to...
I would like for you to use following search words: -Renewing season ticket -refunds -recovering credit Thank you for your email of 25 January 2017 requesting information about complaints...
As a part of a study of flows around the Emirates Stadium within the visitor economy I would like to match up some numbers of people arriving and exiting on a matchday in contrast with a day...
On 09/01/2016 a Metroline bus crashed into a shop in Pratt Street, NW1. At the time, TfL said in a statement that an investigation would be carried out to determine how this happened. Can you...