The Regulators Code section 5.1 states- Regulators should provide advice and guidance that is focused on assisting those they regulate to understand and meet their responsibilities. When providing...
In relation to PIN 2016/S 143-259408 can you please provide me with the following information: 1. The Briefing Paper issued to all potential suppliers who participated in the market sounding...
I am writing to request certain information regarding the above junction. I have also complained to tfl reqarding the traffic flow at this junction, case no 10991348 refers. What I would like...
I’d like to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act regarding the Metropolitan Line Extension. Please provide 1. Total costs since project inception 2. Costs incurred since indicative...
Can you please provide a copy of the Equalities Impact Assessment for Stage 2 of the changes made at Archway.
Hello, could you tell me for any one time period in 2017, how many people are fined for sitting in the yellow hatched box on the corner of Rampayne Street and Vauxhall Bridge Road, Pimlico?
Please could you provide: (a) The length of time the TfL Congestion Charge payment website has been offline during each of the following periods: Financial year 2012/13 Financial year 2013/14 Financial... at page 17 "APPENDIX 1 Base Service Plans See document circulated separately." Please supply related documents circulated...
What quality assurance system do you have in place to monitor requests from TfL to MTR Crossrail for information requests such as the one sent below. This is a FOI Act request.
Please could you supply the following under the Freedom of Information Act: Please supply the number of times non-Section 12 stations (ie stations not covered by the Fire Precautions (Sub-surface...