I would like to restrict my request to technical drawings for B07 stock, external and internal arrangement drawings to scale
Please can you provide a copy of the awarded bid for “ICT11881/4_Lot1-ICT12504”. I look forward to your response within 20 working days, as stipulated by the Act. If you have any queries...
Last year TfL committed to establishing an advertising steering committee. Can you please release all minutes, transcripts and meeting papers for this committee.
My appeal against the PCN has been rejected by the London Tribunals. I believe the judgement was flawed as it did not address my complaint or the legislative framework that I raised. Could you...
Please provide the amount paid by TfL to the operator of the London Overground for each month/period since January 2015. Please provide the net amount, taking account of any performance bonuses...
When I arrived at (London) Victoria station yesterday afternoon I wanted to catch a number 82 bus to St Johns Wood. Looking at my app I noticed that number 82 bus route no longer exists and...
I refer to my previous FOI - TfL ref: FOI-2090-1617 I would be grateful for suitably redacted copies of the TRUs for: January/February 2017 March 2017
On the 22nd March 2017, your company had four buses on westminster bridge during a terror attack. Can you tell me if ALL your bus cameras were switched on or off during this time?
1) The total number of visitors to each venue you operate between the years of 2014-16 inclusive, broken down by calendar year and venue; and 2) The amount of money (in pounds sterling)...
I am writing to see if I can obtain a copy of the Freedom of Information Request TfL answered that is referenced in this article for Gizmodo (http://www.gizmodo.co.uk/2017/02/heres-what-tfl-learned-from-tracking-your-phone-on-the-tube/)....