
19441 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

Please supply all emails to and from Matt Bell (Ex head of TPH Compliance) for the 3 month period leading up to his resignation. By "All emails", to clarify, I mean Matt Bell's TFL email account.

Dear TfL, Please could you tell me how many consultations, feasibility studies or proposals you have for developing property, or creating the space to develop property, over existing roads...

Hello, Can you tell me how many people have been 'flashed' by the speed camera on Lower Thames Street (in line with St Dunstans Hill) going east bound. This area is permanently gridlocked now...

Please can you send me a PDF copy of each of your quadrant bus maps (NW, NE, SW, SE) as well as the Central London bus map. I understand the map half is online already but can you please send...

I was wondering if you could provide details of the most recent entry and exit figures for the DLR.

Serious and Slight accidents involving tfl buses and cyclist over the last five years, sorted by year please. Or the last five years of data that is held.

I would like to know how many cyclists have been fined for riding without lights at night in the past 12 months.

Dear Freedom of Information, I am writing to seek information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I am seeking to obtain a copy of a report drawn up by PA Consulting for TfL analysing...

Sir/Madam Please let me know how much money in total TfL has spent on rides using the Uber platform, for all users; staff/management/guests or other, for each year, since Uber has been licensed...

Please advise since 01/11/2016 how many of your tph Compliance officers who you have on boarded were required to surrender a PH drivers license and also for taxi drivers For reference I would...