
19622 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

As part of the future extension to Barking Riverside and subsequent changes to the TfL Map Can you advise will their be an intermediate station between Barking and Barking Riverside & if so...

In your management of Confestion Zone charges, you state that all chargeable routes are clearly signposted. Please can you provide a map showing where each sign is located. I can only find...

Follow-up to FOI-1724-1718: Just for clarity, on the SAP CRM categories, is there any way you can explain in further detail the meaning of each column and how that would have worked under the...

Following on from your recent reply, I would like to refine my request to provide information from 1st October 2015 till 1st October 2017 in relation to the following: 1) Please can you tell...

Dear Sir/madam, I would like to request information regarding the investment of T-Charge revenue. Namely, I would like to know details of where and when the money will be spent and if it will...

Please supply the following Information:- I would like to know the number of collisions on the A40 and A406 where Average Speed Cameras have been installed for the following periods:- (1) The...

Please may I have the following information: How many meetings have been had between Transport for London staff and representatives from the companies Lyft, Didi Chuxing, Grab (GrabTaxi), Curb...

Meeting agenda and slides from the meeting between Uber and TfL on 2 March 2015.

Please can you provide all/any notes or minutes from the meeting between TfLTPH (Mike Brown) and Uber (Dara Koshrowshshi) on 3rd October 2017.

I was wondering if it's possible for you to send me a copy of an up to date copy of the fleet list of all the buses that are currently operated in London. The info must include Fleet No, Reg...