Hi, Please could you confirm the full costs to implement the cycle lane segregation and removal from Brighton Road in the London Borough of Croydon. This includes the concept design, preliminary...
I've just about had enough of the abysmal service provided on the short stretch of shared line between Turnham Green and Richmond stations. Last week for example it was closed at least 3 times.So...
Hi Data Protection/FOI Officer, I wish to submit a request to the organisation around their hosting contract(s) with 3rd party providers. You may have received the same request in the past and...
On June 20th, approximately 21:40, I witnessed an individual push through the ticket barriers at Northwick Park station. This was also witnessed by TFL staff. Under the Freedom of Information...
Follow-up to FOI-0593-2425: Dear Transport for London, Is any information held which confirms that Siqura HD16AWDR/P is in fact a component of the ‘Digital Traffic Enforcement System’? If yes,...
I would like a breakdown of the number of serious injuries and deaths on London roads involving motor vehicles in each of the years 2018 to 2024 (inclusive) together with the average speed of...
I request evidence that 20 mph Speed Restrictions have reduced accidents and severity of injuries in the TfL managed area.
Follow-up to IRV-031-2425: I contacted xxx and he clarified they'd made an error (and hadn't submitted the document correctly to TfL Vision Zero) but the Police have confirmed that it has been...
Hoping you can help by providing dates of the last five Transport for London (TfL) enforcement operations checking TfL licensed vehicles and drivers working in the Gatwick Airport / Crawley Council...
Please let me know how many car parks have closed in the last 6 years