
19722 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

Please provide the number of complaints received about taxis not accepting credit/debit card payments since during each reporting period since October 31st 2016 as well, where available, the...

Regarding the traffic lights outside Angel Tube Station: - Why have the lights coming from Sainsbury's remained on with a green arrow instructing bikes to turn right where this is a one way street? -...

Please can I request the London Underground Service Report for all lines for November 24th 2017

I would like to make the following freedom of information request. In this press release dated the 10th March 2014 it is stated "Twenty outer London boroughs were eligible for the mini-Holland...

Dear Transport for London, Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 I seek the following information about data relating to the number of times the following Tube Stations have been temporarily...

On 27 September 2017 Gemma Jacob, General Counsel TfL, told me as part of her Internal Review decision: I can advise that ECPL does hold this information and you are welcome to write to ECPL...

I would like data about accidents at stations over the last three years up to present date. Can I have this information divided by station, type of accident and whether any of these were fatalities? I...

Please supply me with the following information under freedom of information act, The total money’s received from private hire operators licence fees from 18/09/17 to date. Please also inform...

Could you please provide a breakdown of the 10 Tube stations that faced the highest number of station closures since the beginning of the year, due to overcrowding, and the specific number of...

Could you please let me know the average carbon dioxide emissions in grams per kilometer (or equivalent calculations eg. kg/m) of New Routemaster double decker buses? I've been able to access...