The contact details of the person with overall responsibility for co-ordinating the response to complaints about the new PA system at London Fields. This is to make sure the relevant member of...
Can you please send me all correspondence under an foi request between the below & Helen Chapman that references the "engagement policy Peter Rose Trevor Merrals Grant Davis Steve McNamara Lewis...
Could I please request the working timetables of the tube network for the christmas and New Years period?
You kindly provided details that you held on pedicab accidents to October 2014 (attached copy of the report you provided) Would it be possible to provide the same data from November 2014 through...
Referring to the 13k ph drivers without DBS how many have renewed their DBS correctly now? And has any of the 13k ph drivers been convicted or arrested since being given a ph license and holding...
Please could you list the number of companies that have applied for approval for a private hire operator licence over the past year, the names of the companies, and which have been successful...
Emails/correspondence between Silka Kennedy-Todd and Jo Bertram between September 2016 till end of March 2017 that reference "hacked accounts".
Could you please forward me any emails from TFL and TPH regarding the introduction of Autonomous vehicles and taxis in London please
Please could you provide details of transactions between yourselves and the organisers of the "Winter Wonderland" event, including for station advertising and signage, and annoncements on platforms...
Can you please tell me how many motorcyclists and cyclists have been killed or had life changing injuries from being involved in tragic accidents with uber PHVs and PHVs please during the whole...