Please advise me of the frequency of testing the functionality of the road traffic lights at the above pelican crossing. Please also provide details of the operating cycle at times of low traffic...
Could you supply under the freedom of information act details regarding the 'boris bike' scheme in particular the numbers of bikes being used in a year period. Many thanks
Could you please provide me with any reports/costing exercises over the last 20 years which will reveal options TfL considered for windows on the London tramlink? This should include details...
Hi, I am currently creating a set of skins for a game, and I require some stickers from the 'bendy buses' and Red Arrow vehicles. I was wondering if you could send me all of the relevant stickers...
I ask for a breakdown of all the arrival time (or not) of the 7:58 at Harold Wood and the reason for any delay or cancellation. As before I request this using my rights under FOI legislation...
A pdf copy of each London Bus Depots working timetables for all routes 2. A pdf copy of London Underground and Overground working timetables
I believe that TFL control the cost for a Black Taxi ride in London . With regard to the cost per mile and standing charge , I would be grateful to be advised the costs that are within these...
To whom it may concern, I am using your online London Collision Map to find out statistics on the number of collisions on two roads in the London Borough of Greenwich: John Wilson Street and...
I am requesting the CAPITAL matrix (which generates detailed origin/ destination public transportation travel times) between the centroid of every LSOA in Greater London (AM peak times are sufficient)...
have reviewed previous FOI requests/responses and I believe my specific question has not been answered, despite many alluding to the same subject. I would like to know how many payments made...