Dear Tfl, Please provide the following information under the Freedom of Information Act: a) What is the total cost of the "See it, Say it, Sorted" campaign? b) If at all, how much money was paid...
Please explain how you justify a 4 zone differential between these 2 stations for a 3 mile distance whilst for Harold Wood to Ilford a distance of 9 miles only 3 zone difference? Also Epping...
Could you please tell me if there has been any, new intake, training programs for CSA2 grade since June 2016 and how many new staff have been trained since then. Also in particular training...
I am writing to request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the Average Salary Data, as provided by the TfL Central Transformation Team, and used in the Tranche 3 business cases to calculate...
I would like to please request a breakdown of days (or hours) lost to strikes or industrial action broken down by tube line, DLR, Train Line or other service operated by TfL please. If you have...
At the yellow box junction at the confluence of Purley Way/Foxley Lane/Pampisford Road, please advise: 1. How many fines have been issued, organised by month, in the last year up from 1 June...
With the following, there was a map with information on tactile paving: Is this type of map created...
The question I am asking is around the 55/243 Eastbound bus stop on Clerkenwell Road, to the West of Farringdon Road. Specifically, following my correspondence with Nina, I want to understand: • What...
I would like a list of all instances of a person ill on the train for 2016, 17 and 18 as well as average monthly temperature data available for the same years.
Please provide the sums spent maintaining the London Dial-A-Ride fleet over the past three years or the maximum time obtainable within the cost limit if shorter than three years. Where possible,...